Under the funding from Kijabe children education fund, computer program started in 2014. The program is aimed at raising the level of computer literacy in the community. Through the skills acquired, the children would later use the same skills in career creation and development. The original plan of the computer program was encourage the children to attend the schools since the number of school going children especially in the public schools was very minimal. The vision later grew to encompass the needs of the community. As a result, two public schools; Garissa road primary and Kianjau primary school both in Kiandutu slums in Thika were the first to benefit. Consequently, reports from the two schools shows that the schools have full capacity as at 2020. We have many appreciation from the parents whose children benefited immensely with computer skills after they join high and decide to take IT as a course later in their life.
The feeding program started in 2012. We have enjoyed selfless love and support from Kijabe children education fund In the sustainability of this program. To some children in the slum, affording a meal a day is a luxury. In full realization of this, the program was launched and to this
The running club is an athletic enthusiast children from the slum area. In this club, children are taught athletics skills and engage in activities aimed at benefiting them in their health. In full appreciation of the need for exercise in the life a child the club takes the children through rigorous activities. In the club, the children gets to interact with people with athletics skills and acquire the same. The club has remained strong since 2014 and has benefited over 1000 children.
The feeding program provides a good platform for counselors to interact with children even as they guide and directs them though life skills. Children are preached to, and many have given their life to Jesus Christ as a result of the program. Pastors, community volunteers and well-wishers from the community have given their full support in this and many children have been helped spiritually, materially and in every facet of life as a result of this program. The program is extended to the schools during the schools going season to target larger numbers of the beneficiaries.
Through the sponsorship of the Kijabe children education fund, Penuel extended life skills to the children transitioning from primary to high school as their prepare for adulthood. Through this program, children are taken for hikes and camping sites where they are taught practical life skills like discipline and resilience.
Penuel has been extending education through a solid partnerships from Kijabe chidren education fund and Education For All children (EFAC) . The two organizations have been financing education for bright children who come from humble backgrounds.